Meningitis B is the commonest form of bacterial meningitis in young people. This new vaccine is available to everybody. Dr. Skilbeck and her team have administered many doses to children from the ages of 2 months right through to university age.
The vaccination can be given from 2 months of age.
The schedule followed will be determined by the age of the child when the programme is started:
From aged 2 months – 5 months: 4 doses are needed: 0, 1 month, 2 months (where 0 is today) and booster between 12-23 months;
From 6 months – 11 months: 3 doses are needed: 0, 2 months and booster in second year of life;
From 12 months – 23 months: 3 doses are needed: 0, 2 months, booster at least one year later;
From 2 years to 10 years: 2 doses only are required at 0 and 2 months.
From 11 years to adult: 2 doses only are required at 0 and 1 month.
Protects against four strains of the deadly meningitis disease – strains A, C, W and Y.
Cases of Meningitis W are on the rise in teenagers and for this reason the Department of Health is recommending vaccination of all school children from age 14 and first time university entrants; however, the vaccine is suitable for children of any age and we are delighted to offer it to all young people including university students at any stage of their education.
Only one dose is required; two doses required for those under 1 year of age.
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