We offer a complete medical reporting service.
Click here now for our Medicals Menu
If you can’t see the medical you require listed, please call and explain your requirements – we can carry out all types of medicals including specific medical examinations or something more general.
You may want a thorough check up so we can tailor a package which might combine blood tests or heart tests, for example. We are able to offer the exact service you require and no two medicals necessarily need to be the same. Very specific tests, such as a treadmill test, can be arranged promptly at a convenient local hospital. Other types of tests available are bone density scanning, ultrasound, X-Ray, CT, and lung function.
Our doctors are registered with the FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) and are able to complete various medical forms needed for visa applications. Please contact our friendly team for further information.
We offer a corporate service too; if you have several employees who need medicals then simply call Louise or Livy and book them in.
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are waiting to take your call.
01483 230481
0345 4599972