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For children aged under 6 years old the TB vaccination process is simple – the BCG vaccination can be given at your first appointment, as no pre-testing is required.

For adults and children who have reached their 6th birthday a two stage procedure is needed for TB inoculation.  At your first appointment you will receive either a Mantoux Test which is an injection into the skin of the lower arm, or a Quantiferon Blood Test – we will book you a second appointment to come back after 48-72 hours to have the Mantoux Test read by the doctor. If you opted for the Quantiferon Blood test, we will email you with your results and advise the next steps. A negative Quantiferon Blood Test will require you to attend surgery for your BCG vaccination.

If the Mantoux Test is negative, or your Quantiferon Blood Test result is negative, then the BCG vaccination will be given. It is vital that you attend the second appointment at the booked time as the Mantoux Test reading process is extremely time critical. BCG vaccination must be given within 3 months of Mantoux/Quantiferon testing.

For adults and children approx 14 and over, the option of the Quantiferon blood test is available to check for TB exposure instead of Mantoux Testing – the results take up to 4 days to process. We can perform the blood test every day and book you in for your BCG vaccination on any other convenient day once the results are known.

Vaccine price list

Regular Mantoux Clinics


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