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– Licensed for age 50+ Or 18+ at increased risk of shingles

– non live vaccine as an alternative to zostvax

– can be given to immunocompromised patients

– 2 doses with a 2 month gap (2-6months)

– IM injection into deltoid (arm)

– able to give at same time as inactivated flu vaccine

–  preferable to allow a 7 day gap with other vaccines. Increased fever if given with pneumococcal

– must leave a 7 day gap between covid and shingles vaccination

– Side effects – pain at injection site, aches, fatigue, headache – for 1-2 days

– efficacy of zostavax – reduced incidence of shingles by 51% aged 60 and 38% aged 70.

– efficacy of shingrix – 97.2% >50yrs and 91.2%>70yrs

– if shingrix schedule interrupted or delayed it should be resumed and first dose should not be repeated.

Vaccine price list

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01483 230481
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