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Archives for December 0

Dr. Jo Skilbeck at Surrey GP

Surgery & Remote Consultations with Dr Skilbeck

As the UK begins to think about getting back on its feet, we’re ready and ahead of the curve. Dr Skilbeck is consulting every day and will be in surgery and using Skype or Telephone to enable consultations to take…

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Dr. Jo Skilbeck at Surrey GP

Video and Telephone Consultations with Dr Skilbeck

As the UK begins to think about getting back on its feet, we’re ready and ahead of the curve. Dr Skilbeck is consulting every day (see our book online for timings) and will be using Skype or Telephone to enable…

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Type writer news - Same day gp appointments - Surrey GP

March 2020 Newsletter

See link to our latest newsletter sent out 29/3/2020

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